
Design and installation

Kalancha LLC provides comprehensive support and expert consultation on any questions related to implementation of BiZone powder-gas fire-extinguishing technologies to ensure protection of your enterprise.

You can order free consultation on design of automatic powder-gas fire-extinguishing systems. You will receive the following data within several business days:

  • process calculations and substantiation of used modules;
  • layout of BiZone modules in protected premise diagrams;
  • technical consultation for process calculations and determination of optimum locations of modules;
  • installation diagrams for modules.

The following persons will provide recommendations on design and application of BiZone powder-gas fire-extinguishing systems:

  • technical director Igor Anatolyevich Prokhorov

+7 (495) 781-92-48 ext. 138,


  • design engineer Ekaterina Sergeevna Zapolskaya

+7 (495) 781-92-48 ext. 129,


  • design engineer Elena Grigoryevna Koval

+7 (495) 781-92-48 ext. 164,


Kalancha also has many years of successful experience in designing of low-current systems and fire-extinguishing systems using equipment manufactured by the company.

Design engineers have large experience in this field and are also included in the National Register of Specialists for engineering surveys and architectural design. Design solutions are developed based on current regulatory documents of the Russian Federation. The right to carry out design works is confirmed by the relevant self-regulating organization permits.

The company's internal division (fire automatic equipment department) consisting of professional design engineers and specialists provides a full range of works on design and installation of the following engineering systems:

  • Automatic fire-fighting systems;
  • Automatic fire alarm systems;
  • Intrusion detection systems;
  • Fire alarm and evacuation systems;
  • Video surveillance systems.


Extract from the Self-Regulatory Organization Register No. 17, 2020

License No. 77-Б/00097

STO 4854-039-13393076-2022 ВНПБ 74-22

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