november 2024

Kalancha LLC participated in a business meeting!

Dear colleagues and partners! We are glad to announce that Kalancha LLC took part in the business meeting of manufacturing companies arranged by the Administration of the Sergievo-Posadsky city district. The event took place at the site of Energosistema LLC R&D company on November 8, 2024. We sincerely thank the Administration for excellent organization of this important event! During the event, we had a unique opportunity to get familiar with production facilities of Energosistema LLC R&D company, as well as discuss current issues and development prospects of our industry. The event program included a mini-tour in the production facility, presentation of support measures for industrial companies and free
communication. It was a great chance to exchange experience and establish new business relations. We are sure that such meetings contribute to business development and strengthening of partner relations. We look forward to new meetings and joint projects!

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