
BIZONE gas-powder fire-extinguishing module МГПП-110-СО2-30- РХ-АВСЕ-У2

New level of fire safety for oil and gas facilities
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This module is designed for volumetric fire suppression of the following fire classes: A: Combustion of solid materials; B: Combustion of liquid substances; C: Combustion of gaseous substances; E: Combustion of energized electrical equipment.

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Parameter name


Area protected

A class: 900 м3

В class: 600 m3

Protected area

100 m2

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The module provides volumetric suppression of fires of A, B, C classes and fire of live electrical equipment in rooms with the following area: V=900 m3 for А class fire; V= 600 m3 for В class fire. The module is designed for extinguishment of А and В classes fire, 100 m2 of area.

The module is used in explosive areas of the 1st class. Explosion protection marking: 1Ех db IIC T4 Gb Х.

The module is not designed for extinguishment of burnt substances without air access, as well as metals, alloys and metal-organic compounds.


Parameter name


Area protected

A class: 900 m3

В class: 600 m3

Protected area

100 m2

Explosion protection marking*

1Ех db IIC T4 Gb Х

Fire classes

А, В, С, Е

Fire-fighting agent


Operating temperature range

-50 0С+50 0С

Total weight of module, maximum

365 kg

Weight of applied Feniks АВС-70 dry chemical powder

80 kg

Weight of applied gas (liquid carbon dioxide), minimum

30 kg

Length of fire-extinguishing agent jet

18-20 m

Direct current required for module start-up (flare cartridge)

2 х 0.5 А 6-24 V

Safe circuit control current

0.05 А within 5 min; 0.005 А with no time limit

Module actuating speed, maximum

1 sec

Time of supply of fire-extinguishing agent, maximum

10 sec

Piping connections

100 m maximum and up to 6 bends 90 degrees

Dimensions, width x depth x height

630 х 670 х 1,740 mm

Service life, minimum

20 years

* Not a source of explosion initiation

Data on the equipment range on the website is for reference. Please, indicate technical specifications for the manufacturer before ordering the equipment.

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